I don't know about you but there's something wonderful that happens to my skin after a day of swimming at the beach. Ever notice the glow you get after being at the beach. I use to think it was the sun that cleared my complexion. The sun helps but it's actually the ocean water. The sea salt contains sulfur which bathes the skin in oxygen which in turns kills bacteria. Sea salt also contains potassium which helps balance out the skin. Lastly sea salt contains calcium which makes skin cells stronger. You can make your own sea salt toner. It is easy to prepare yourself at home.
What you will need:
1. A Tablespoon
2. A glass jar or container
3 Organic Sea Salt.
4. Filtered water
Place 2 tablespoons of sea salt in a glass jar to 1 up of water. Mix it up and and apply to you face with a cotton ball. You can also just splash it on to your skin and let it dry. Wait 15 minutes and rinse. It's that easy. This is great for oily, congested and acneic skin. It also tightens and firms the skin.
I would love to hear how it worked for you. Any questions feel free to ask. Chau for now.
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