
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Researching Toxic Free Skincare

I recently wrote a post on toxic skincare and its effects on the body. I am currently on a mission to find toxic free skincare. I'll tell you it has not been easy! I am researching the following products, face wash, moisturizers, toners and anti-aging products. I was in CVS the other day and read the ingredient list to almost all the skincare products on the shelf. I was amazed to see each and every product contained 1 or more toxic ingredients. This is going to be a challenge but I will get it done. Stay tuned!

Please watch this video on the story of toxins in our cosmetics!

I love my city

I love my city
I grew up in an apartment right under the Brooklyn Bridge in Manhattan

One of my favorite You Tube Gurus

I finally found the perfect shade of Auburn

I finally found the perfect shade of Auburn
Loving my new haircolor, its Loreal Lightest Auburn and as they say in those Loreal commercials "Im In love".

My new hat

My new hat
Reminds me of the south!

My baby boy

My baby boy
Hes my joy!

My daughter

My daughter
They grow up so fast!

A much needed date night with the hubby

A much needed date night with the hubby