
Monday, November 29, 2010

Adult Acne and my mission to cure it!

I have been dealing with bouts of acne since I am 22 years old. It started in my early twenties instead of my teen years. I have studied and researched every book, magazine, article and website out there. I remember sitting in Barnes and Nobles in the village in NYC for hours buried in books sipping my green tea. I would jot down every bit of advice and tips I thought would be helpful to me. I have learned a lot of knowledge on this topic. I know now that acne is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. Although if you deal with all the components of the disease it can be managed. Lets start with what causes acne first. Acne is an overproduction of sebum which in turn clogs pores. Secondly, bacterial which normally lives on the skin, P. acnes, thrive in excess oil. Immersed in excess oil, the bacteria can rapidly grow in number. As the bacteria multiply in a clogged pore, the pore becomes inflamed. Inflammation is what causes the pimple to look red, hot and swollen. Thirdly, acne is also a result of an abnormal keratinization. A build up of dead cells in the pore from inadequate exfoliation of skin. So our target is to address all the above. I can tell you by experience it's not a perfect science. You also must address your diet, hormones, stress and environment. I will be starting a series on how to manage and ultimately cure adult acne. I have not cured my acne yet but I am on a mission to and I hope you will follow along with me. Lets start first with supplements that I have found helpful.

There are supplements to look for to help acne which are, Omega-3 Fatty acids found in fish oils or flax seeds, Zinc helps regulate oil glands and helps heal wounds faster( do not exceed 50 mg a day to avoid toxicity), B Complex vitamins (help reduce stress and normalize oil production), vitamin A normalizes the keratinization process reducing clogged pores(10,000 IU daily for 2weeks, then reduce to 5,000. You could also use herbs to help with acne. Probiotics which you could get from yogurt or in supplement form. I suggest if you are going to take a supplement the best are refrigerated, you could purchase them at the Vitamin Shoppe. You could also try herbs in healing and preventing acne. Burdock Root, dandelion leaves, milk thistle, adn red clover are good for acne. Burdock Root and red clover are blood cleansers. Milk thistle aids the liver in cleansing the blood. Burdock and dandelion also contain inulin, which can improve the quality of skin by removing bacteria. You can also brew these herbs in teas and if you all follow me you know I am a tea fanatic. Why not help your acne while enjoying a relaxing cup of tea. The next part of this series I will be addressing is diet. Diet plays a very important role in how are skin functions. Studies are now finding that there is a direct link to acne and what you eat. I also will be discussing what skincare products to use and what to avoid. I look forward to writing this series and would love to hear your feedback and your stories with acne.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Face Master- Facial Toning System

First I would like to say I have not been paid by this company for my opinion and have not been sent this product. I have been reading Suzanne Somers book Ageless and I am loving it. It's a how to book on slowing the aging process. It also discusses bioidentical hormones which helps alleviate if not stops the symptoms of menopause. No, I am not going through menopause, far from it. Suzanne Somers is 60 and looks amazing so I am interested in what are ageless tips are. In the book she introduces her little secret to tight, wrinkle free skin. It's called The Face Master-Facial Toning System. This system is was used in spas with a huge high tech machine costing 12,000. The treatments alone were 150.00 a pop. Suzanne Somers and her team of experts, Peter Hanson M.D who operates a medical practice in Denver, Colorodo where he specializes in Medical Acupuncture, developing techniques in treating, among many other conditions, paralysis. Also among the team is Rodger Mohme, a lead engineer to develop the Apple Power Book. There goal was to take a machine like the one used in spas and miniaturize it in to a small easy to use at home treatment. The Face Master uses Micro-current electricity to stimulate the 22 muscles of the face, which plumps up the muscles. Plumping the muscle with the Face Master keeps the muscle toned and tight for an uplifted look and more youthful appearance. "When we age it's actually sagging muscles that creates wrinkles", explains Dr. Peter Hanson.

I personally am going to try this. A lot of skincare companies including Neutrogena, Lancome and Aveeno have used this Micro-current technology in there skincare. Either these companies are on to something or this is a gimmick. I am willing to be a guinea pig! This system sounds promising and hey it's cute little snorting Chrissy Snow behind it so how bad could it be right?

What do you think? Would you try this system?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I am a New Beauty Influencer!

Okay so you all no I am obsessed with beauty magazines, right? Well New Beauty Magazine is the holy grail of beauty magazines. The magazine has information on all the new skincare treatments such as lasers, fillers, plastic surgery, skin care products, nutrition for beautiful skin, all the latest beauty supplements, a list of the best plastic surgeons and dermatologist. It really is in my opinion the best beauty magazine out there. It only comes out 4 times a year and is a little pricey at $10.00 which is it's only downfall. I have been invited to join there team of New Beauty Influencers. As a beauty influencer I receive all the latest skincare products and makeup to review for New Beauty Magazine. My reviews also may be featured in New Beauty Magazine! I can't tell you how excited I am. When you have a passion you love so much and others take notice it's extremely rewarding. I was just sent the Olay ProX Deep Wrinkle Protocol. I have only used it for a week so it's not ready to be reviewed yet. So far it has been very moisturizing and fine lines have been plumped. Nothing fantastic is happening to my skin yet to be honest. I will be doing a review on that in a couple of weeks. Have a great weekend everyone.

Please watch this video on the story of toxins in our cosmetics!

I love my city

I love my city
I grew up in an apartment right under the Brooklyn Bridge in Manhattan

One of my favorite You Tube Gurus

I finally found the perfect shade of Auburn

I finally found the perfect shade of Auburn
Loving my new haircolor, its Loreal Lightest Auburn and as they say in those Loreal commercials "Im In love".

My new hat

My new hat
Reminds me of the south!

My baby boy

My baby boy
Hes my joy!

My daughter

My daughter
They grow up so fast!

A much needed date night with the hubby

A much needed date night with the hubby